
Heartbeats is probably one of my favorite songs, ever. It is absolutely in my top five favorites. Every variation, too. The original, by Jose Gonzalez (don't even get me started on the brilliance that is him) and also the cover by the Knife. And then, the Knife performing it live, which is different from the recorded one. This song is so good in all forms.

I have had it resolved for like A YEAR, that both forms will be included in my imaginary wedding SOMEHOW. First dance, simply being played at the reception, whatever! Let's just not talk about how much thought I've put into this, guys.

I listen to this song AT LEAST once a day (today it's been twice...). And I'm posting this for no other reason than the fact that I want to share the wonderfulness of this song. And for you guys to think I'm weird for knowing what songs will be played at my wedding. And EVEN WEIRDER YET, for blogging about it.

So like, you're welcome and stuff.


the woeful tale of a former ice skater named Sophie.

'Tis less than a week until Thanksgiving, y'all. And by that I mean, less than a week until the day we've designated for calories to not count and if you eat less than 3 dinners you should be ashamed! That's how it works, RIGHT? Anyways I'm going to eat a whole lot of food for the next few days. You know, so that my stomach will be prepared for the day of all days. That makes sense, right? That's how THAT works too, right!?!?!

Thanksgiving is probably tied with Christmas for my favorite holiday. I like pretty lights, I like FOOOOOOODDDDD, I like presents, I like my family (most of the time), I like cold weather, and I like FOOOOOOOOD. But most of all, I like food.

You can tell where my priorities lie. 

(this is where you guys are all, SOPHIE HOW ARE YOU NOT THE SIZE OF A SMALL COUNTRY. And I would be like, I hide it well.) 

Today I got my Thanksgiving sweater, and it's pretty and sparkly and pretty. Add holidays clothes to my list of why this is the moooossttt wonnnnderrfullll tiiimmmeee offff theeee YEAAAARRR!

Also, ice skating. 

Let me take you back to a time where the ever so clumsy yet still ever so lovely Sophie was taking ice skating lessons. Yes. I did that. And everyone was SHOCKED because I was pretty decent and not skating into walls and breaking things. Same with skiing. And when I ran track. ANYWHO, one tragic day, I had a pair of skates that were too big. Unfortunately for me, it was the day of our test to see if we could go to the next level. I told my instructor, but she was all YOU'LL BE FINE. I call sabotage. I was NOT fine. AND SHE DIDN'T PASS ME TO THE NEXT LEVEL. And that's when I decided to steal Christmas. Not really, but I did quit because I didn't want to be held back in that class with all the babies. I obviously handled things with grace in 7th grade.

Moral of the story: Never trust your ice skating instructor, she's setting you up for failure. SHE PROBABLY WANTS IT.

Other moral of the story: Never date a girl who's CAREER as an ice skater was stolen from her grasps, because she will make you take her skating so she can relive her glory days. I'm looking at you, Michael. Bundle up, my dear, because we have a lot of ice skating to do this winter. 

a lot of words from a holiday cheermeister.

I was reading some of my blog posts from awhiiiiilllllleeeeee ago, and man. I feel like I had so much to say then, but now I have nothing interesting to say/blog about.

My blog posts from the beginning of the summer were very very wordy, and my blog posts from the last few months have been......well....about nothing. They've been quotes, poems, songs... but nothing about the happy haps with me or my thoughts.

Then I didn't have a life, now I do. Then I had a lot to blog about, now I don't. SHOULDN'T IT BE THE OPPOSITE?!?! LIKE WHAT? Seriously guys. I just would sit in my room wallowing in self pity, moping around, and EATING. Now I have a lovely job, a lovely boyfriend and....school. (notice that I left the lovely out. School, I'm tired of youuuuuu.) But I feel like I should have a lot more blogging material than I do. First of all, I need to pick my camera up more often. I haven't touched dearest Sylvester in a darn while. But my sista is borrowing him for the time being, for reasons that will remain a mystery. Oh Sophie, quit being so vague, you say? Hush, reader. Hush.

AnyWHOOOOOO, put some warm socks on because I'm about to fill you in on my random thoughts and things that have been making my heart happy, as of late. ( I don't know why you should put warm socks on, but it just sounds good.)

-First off, can we just have a moment to appreciate that CHRISTMAS IS UPON US?!?!?! I know, I know. Christmas *technically* does not start until the day after Thanksgiving, but to that I say OH POOH! ( for those of you who don't know, that's British for "whatever." Chronicles of Narnia taught me this.) I am the ultimate Christmas cheermeister, and last year I was deprived of Christmas, so this year is like MEGA CHRISTMAS!

-I really like Michael a lot, mostly because he smells nice. This is very important to me.

- I SAW REGINA SPEKTOR IN CONCERT AND IT WAS THE MOST WONDERFUL THING I'VE EVER EXPERIENCED! Everyone knows that she's my favorite singer ever, and it was everything I dreamed. Her voice is what I imagine cuddling with many puppies and kittens sounds like. She was so adorable, and even a little nervous! Michael was such a trooper about it. He's not a fan of concerts in general, and he doesn't know Regina all too well, but he went with me and was just such a good concert partner. I cannot thank my dear boyfriend enough!

-I like to describe myself as little orphan Annie with a dash of Michael Scott.

-Today my mom told me my outfits always have way too much going on, that they're too busy. HELLO, THIS IS MY THING. It matches my ridiculous personality.

-It's 11 o'clock at night, I am bouncing off the walls with energy, and I have tomorrow off of work. This all points to one thing. BAKING, DRINKING LARGE QUANTITIES OF SPRITE, AND LISTENING TO CHRISTMAS MUSIC! SOMEBODY STOP ME!

And that is that for tonight. It feels SO nice to write a super duper long, wordy, blog post. I'm going to try to get back into the habit. Lord knows everyone wants Sophie to talk more...PERISH THE THOUGHT.

US, whilst waiting in line for Reginnnnnaaaa.
I was drooling a little. (NO I REALLY WAS NOT.)

we just are.

"When words run dry,
he does not try,
nor do I.
We are on par.
He just is,
I just am
and we just are."

I love this poem so, so much. Not going to lie, I totally just found it like 10 minutes ago. But I love it, nevertheless! Time does not assert how much we can or cannot love something, right?
Anyways, just wanted to stop by with that lovely little ditty! I shall be back in a few-ish days to tell the goings on in my life. However boring they may be. Au revoir!

well done, sister suffragette.

Fellow constituents,
Tomorrow is a SUPAH big day in the form of ELECTION DAY! I have been eagerly awaiting the day I can finally vote for years, and it's finally, finally here. I cannot express my excitement. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight because I'm that excited. IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS.

With that being said I think it's absolutely imperative that everyone vote. Just vote. This right has been fought for time and time again, in so many different capacities, so we ought to appreciate and exercise it. No one says (or sings) it better than Mrs. Banks from Mary Poppins. [my personal favorite line is "though we adore men individually, we can agree that as a group they're raaatherrrrr stuuuupiiiiddd!"]

Honestly, I've been marching around singing this song all day today. (i wish i was kidding. no i don't.)

So get out there tomorrow, be civil towards one another, vote for who YOU want, and SING SOME MARY POPPINS.

Work that "I voted" sticker, work it.