a walk in the park.

Hello friends! Lately, I've been trying to limit my time on the computer... hence the lack of blogging. Now for a new feature...
-Yesterday was el summer solstice, and my mama and I have a tradition of making sunshine shaped pizza. Yum. We used daiya "cheese" on my pizza. OH MY YUM. It's ten times tastier than real cheese. Try it. You'll never want to eat any other cheese (real or not) evah again. 

-Another summer solstice festivity... my sister and I attended a yoga class yesterday! Um, amazing. I am a lot more flexible than I thought. I thought it quite appropriate to do sun salutations on the summer solstice. Yoga is one of the most magnificent things and relaxing things.

-A week from today, I'll be in Colorado with my older brother. A week from tomorrow, I'll be in Las Vegas. We're flying to Denver, driving to Colorado Springs and spending the night at my older brother's house, and then the next day, we'll be up bright and early to drive the rest of the way to Las Vegas to visit my loveliest family! Oh, I'm so excited.

That'll be my view for eight whole days. Not too shabby, eh? I love the desert and the mountains more than anything else... forget you, Midwest!

-I love Ray LaMontagne, sooooo much. His voice is delicious. I fully plan on having "You Are The Best Thing" as the first dance at my wedding. It's so adorable and fun. Is it crazy that I'm 19, without so much as a boyfriend, and I already know this? Absolutely. No. No, not at all.

-Mumford & Sons... coming out with a new album in September. Oh my gah, I'm so excited.

-Today I had lunch and frolicked around with a wonderful friend from high school named Pruthvi. It was so wonderful to have her all to myself all day. That rarely happens! We went to lunch, discussed conspiracy theories and other silly things. After that, we went and explored a local park. That was cut short when I STEPPED ON A BEE. UGH. I've never been stung by a bee before, so that was fun. That's what I get for wandering around barefoot, I suppose. Also, I had a staring contest with a squirrel, and a duck quacked at me and waddled its little tail feathers over to me. I have no idea what it is with me and animals. Just call me Pocahontas. Anyways, our adventuring was cut short, so we went to my house and watched I Love You, Man, and made the most delicious cookies. It was muy fun.

a frog-ish friend!
 Isn't she the most adorable? 


She has the most gorgeous hair ever, AND I'M SO JEALOUS.

-Speaking of me being Pocahontas...this is my all time favorite Disney song. It just has so much depth and meaning behind it. I think we all could take a note or two from it. Oh Pocahontas, you're my fave.

-And last but not least... prosperity hens! Prosperity hens are brightly colored hanging hens that originated in Northern India, that are supposed to bring abundance and prosperity into your life and home. I just bought a few strands of them from World Market, and they are the loveliest. Hang them by a door, or window to welcome in prosperous energy.
(image via the violet.)


  1. You're Pocahontas, eh? My mom calls me Sacajawea because I'm like a human GPS.

  2. No joke, I have a similar door hanging from world market, except mine is made up of little elephants :) Loved this blog, sounds like you had a lovely day. Miss you Pocahontas <3

    1. My mommy bought the elephants!! You guys are twinsies! :) Thank you, I did! I miss you too <3
